Delivery charges are calculated based on
distance (kms) from Parramatta. Currently, we only deliver within 30kms of
Delivery charges are as follows.
0-20kms = $20
20-25kms = $25
25-30kms = $30
If you wish to have your order delivered at a specific time please provide this when checking out and we will try our best to deliver around that time.
We will make
attempts to contact the recipient &/or the person who placed the order. We will leave the order at the location in a
safe place and in the shade if the location permits. If the person resides in a unit complex, please
ensure they are going to be home within the time frame provided. Unfortunately, our courier drivers are unable to
wait around at the location or attempt re-delivery due to other schedules. Once
order has been delivered, we will not be responsible for any items stolen or
Once you
confirm your order, we allocate that spot for you and decline any other
potential orders.
In the unlikely circumstance you do need to cancel, our cancellation policy is as follows.
·If cancellation is made atleast 8 days prior to order date, a full refund will be granted.
·If cancellation is made between 4 and 8 days of
the order, a 50% fee of the order will be retained, and a credit note will be
issued for the remaining 50%.
·If cancellation is made within 4 days, you will
not be eligible for a refund, and full amount will be retained to cover costs incurred.